You will love our University!

The aims and objectives of the University can be summarized as follows

Science and Technology

To offer programs covering all important fields and disciplines of science, technology, medical science, business and social sciences including teachers' training.

Need based Programs

To impart need based programs of science, technology, business and social sciences for the students who will attend classes in the University as well as who are unable to

Proficiency at all levels

To organize programs in science, technology, business and social science including teachers' training for awarding degrees, diplomas and certificate of proficiency at all levels.


Method of delivery

To arrange two methods of delivery

a) in-campus education and
b) open learning system.

Follow the modern trends

To develop programs examining the modern trends on the need and development of science, technology, business, social sciences and human resource

Private University Act

To go for gradual expansion of departments and programs of learning as per rules and regulations of Private University Act, 1992 and in accordance with the needs of the country and the demand abroad.



Application Date

30-01-2025 (Thursday) to 19-02-2025 (Wednesday)

Verifications of Applications (if necessary)

25-02-2025 (Tuesday)

Publication of the Shortlisted Candidates

04-03-2025 (Tuesday)

Date of Admission Test

08-03-2025 (Saturday)

Publication of Merit List (ENGG./ARCH./BBA)

16-03-2025 (Sunday)

Modification of Program Choice (ENGG./ARCH.)

17-03-2025 (Monday)

Publication of Merit List with Selected Program (ENGG./ARCH.)

19-03-2025 (Wednesday)

PG - Arch, CE, EEE & Math

Online Application To be announced


Online Application To be announced
* If any false information is detected, the admission will be cancelled and fees will be forfeited.


For Undergraduate Programs

Admission Enquiry

PABX: 8870422-400, 8870422-500; Mobile: 01773500054, 01540533162, 01615831760 

Call Time : From 10:00 AM to 05:00 PM

Technical Support

Mobile: 01550725697, 01550725698

Call Time : From 10:00 AM to 05:00 PM

Migration Related Issue

Category 1: 
ENGG./ARC.: 01550072993
Category 2: 
ARCH.: 01550072992
Category 3: 
BBA: 01550072991

Call Time : From 10:00 AM to 05:00 PM


ENGG. Program(s), ENGG. + ARCH. Program(s):
ARCH. Program:

Visit us

141 & 142, Love Road, Tejgaon Industrial Area, Dhaka-1208.

For Postgraduate Programs

Department of Architecture (M. Arch)

Mir Monsur Shorif
Assistant administrative officer
Contact Number: 01681470731, 01712787976

Department of Civil Engineering (M.Sc. in CE)

Md. Faruk Ahmed
Assistant Administrative Officer
Cell: 01774848686

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (M Sc Engg./ M. Engg in EEE)

Abdul Hasim
Assistant Administrative Officer
Mobile: 01572684902

Department of Arts and Sciences (MS in Math)

Md. Foysol Khan
Assistant Administrative Officer
Mobile: 01732939789

School of Business (MBA/EMBA)

Md. Abdus Salam
Assistant Administrative Officer
Email: Mobile: 01730466022
Call Time : From 02:00 PM to 09:00 PM

Technical Support

01550725697 & 01550725698
Call Time : From 10:00 AM to 05:00 PM